Friday, August 20, 2010

Will it make you happy?

While I am sitting here making a list for back to school shopping, I am struggling to get into the typical spirit of the event. I am having a harder time accumulating stuff lately. I just read this article and could really relate to it. I know my kids will need some new things, but I'm reluctant to add more stuff to our house until we get rid of some things. I think before school shopping, we will need to do a little more weeding out of things we don't need.

Even my kids seem to have caught this shift a bit, although, not when it comes to Moxie girl dolls or itunes stuff. I think back to school shopping will be a bit more subdued this year. My daughter had her grandmother take her to the Salvation Army Thrift Store for her birthday shopping. I think she realizes that her money will go a lot farther there. She came back with two shirts.

The things that have brought us the most joy this summer that were new purchases included trips up north camping, two new camping cots (it's nice to have a bed that doesn't deflate around midnight), fishing licenses and a hammock. That hammock has had so much use this summer and will hold two which makes it a lovely place for conversations or just hanging out together.

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